Friday, June 29, 2007

A third of US teens have been bullied online

Nearly a third of US teenagers have been bullied online, according to research from the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

The research firm found making private information public is the most common type of cyber-bullying.

Some 13% said someone had spread a rumour about them online while the same number claimed they had been sent a threatening or aggressive email, IM, or text message. Also, 6% of respondents said that someone had posted an embarrassing picture of them online without their consent.

Research revealed that girls are more likely to be bullied online than boys - 38% of girls claimed to have been bullied compared to 26% of boys. Older girls are more likely to report being bullied than any other age and gender group, with 41% of online girls aged 14-17-years-old reporting such experiences.

The research coincides with a BBC Panorama investigation, due for broadcast in August into online bullying. Some ad networks were caught up in this investigation after brands such as Ebay and easyCar appeared alongside videos of street fights on US-based site (Source:

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